Creative Collaboration
Easier than herding cats
Highly successful organizations develop a workplace culture built on trust, service to others, communication and interpersonal skills, resulting in a superior team environment. Projects are successful when people work together in a coordinated effort and appreciate each other’s talents and strengths.
With a Creative Collaboration intervention, your team members know their roles as supportive, creative, knowledgeable and effective leaders/ followers.
The results
- Your team takes away immediately applicable tools.
- They gain a greater understanding of the roles and interdependence of each team member.
- They aquire a heightened appreciation and importance of individual differences.
- Employee compatibility with the organization’s mission, vision and values increases.
- You will see increased morale, co-operation and productivity.
- As your team's commitment grows, their ability to implement planned changes increases.
- Your whole organization benefits from decreased stress.
- You gain a powerful evaluation tool for future hires.
- The entire organization will see increased financial rewards.
The process
- We conduct an Active Listening Session where your intentions, goals, issues and strategy are explored.
- You confirm the goals, expectations and financial implications of the issue.
- Working with you we identify the gaps between what works well and what doesn't.
- Next your challenges and opportunities are clearly defined.
- Working within the reality of your situation, we recommend what will work best to achieve your goals.
- With your team, we develop timelines, assign responsibilities and impliment the recommended programs.
- At a set time, we come back to work with you to review successes, measure outcomes and recomment next steps.
An example from my world
The situation
The CEO of a medium-sized day courier company wanted his inside staff, located in two cities, to work more closely together with greater co-operation and less stress in daily activities.
The solution
We worked with the CEO to determine specifics of the business, leadership style, workplace culture, issues, what was precisely wanted and what was needed.
The staff was brought into the process and helped develop the plans and uncover the benefits.
All staff were profiled for their thinking styles. The results of these standardized tests were shared and discussed in the group so each staff member could see where their strengths, weakness and talents lay.
This helped staff update their job descriptions and better see how they all fit together in the team.
Further reinforcement of the lessons learned from the thinking styles exercise was accomplished through workshops on teambuilding, communication skills, change management, effective use of time and customer service.
After each workshop, the Weygman consultant paid a series of weekly office visits to assist in implementing the new concepts.
The consultant also attended regular staff meetings and made short, relevant presentations to clarify issues.
The result
People learned about and appreciated each others’ work more easily. They effectively covered for each other during an absence or when a staff member was overloaded.
Communication and work processes within each office, between the two city offices and between the office and outside couriers improved.
Monthly staff meetings ran more efficiently, took less time and there was greater commitment for follow-up plans.
Efficiency, morale and engagement increased significantly.
A new strategic plan was created, where the mission, vision and values were clarified.
Although previously service inside and outside the company was considered good, customers were delighted with what they called "superior service", leading to an increase in business.
"Lorrraine’s programs are some of the most powerful in excavating personal efficiency. Lorraine is a master at patiently showing her participants new possibilities for team and individual communication. I am very grateful for all of our work together."
Jennifer Hough
Speaker, Author, Coach of Leaders, Founder: The Vital You - Largest Holistic Nutrition Clinic in Canada